Japanese Marriage Culture

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Are you interested in Japanese date, but know nothing about the Japanese marriage culture? Read this article and dive into the world of amazing customs. 

Japanese Women Profiles

Kagami 34 y.o.
Kiara 28 y.o.
Emi 30 y.o.
Fumiko 29 y.o.
Mio 33 y.o.
Jun 23 y.o.

Japanese Wedding Traditions

The process of marriage in Japan is quite different in comparison to Western culture countries and especially the USA.  Later you will have a chance to read more detailed information about it. It is worth noticing that marriage in Japanese culture is an arrangement. Historically people used to search for perfect ladies for relationships by the criteria of wealth and the desire of parents. Japanese singles were forced to marry in order to continue the lifeline of the generation. Of course, nowadays such as customs are not so popular, but in some further corners of Japan, you can find this culture. In case, if you are a foreigner and want to get married to a Japanese girl, be ready to get the refuse from your parents. 

Whether you are a foreign woman, you should take into consideration the next rules:

 Japanese women have also certain requirements for foreign husbands:

Eventually, Japanese ladies are more and more encourage by foreigners, their lifestyle and their culture. According to it, marriage culture is really ongoing and temporary. New changes and customs are implemented into the culture every day.

 Traditional Japanese Marriage – Basic Requirements

marriage culture in japan

Basically, a marriage union, which was concluded in Japan, will be regarded as a union all over the world. Keep in mind that the average age of marriage in Japan is also really important to know. There several peculiarities of  Japanese culture in marriage:

It is a duty to obtain the next Japanese culture facts marriage arranged in order to register a union:

Whether it will be a mixed marriage, the foreigner should take on a certain pack of documents. First of all, they should go to the local embassy and get an explanation of the whole process. For sure, all the documents should be translated into the Japanese language. More than that, the singles should prepare a passport, visa and different reports that prove the fact of no marriage. 

Japanese Culture Facts Marriage

In case when all the paperwork is done, two of the couple are preparing to make a marriage culture ceremony. As a rule, lovers prefer to make a Japanese marriage ceremony in a short circle of their closest relatives. But, it will take two days in order to show respect to their roots and traditions. Surprisingly, ladies are not fond of online streaming and fast internet publishes after their wedding. First of all, they want to feel harmony and love in relationships. All of the guests wear their traditional kimonos. Groom wears a black one and the bride – white. Sex before marriage in Japanese culture is not recommended, but in several corners, it is even prohibited and maybe the reason for culture blaming. 

American VS Japanese Wedding Culture 

There are a lot of differences in the Japanese marriage culture in these two continents. Let’s take a precise look at it then. 

  1. The list of guests. Japanese culture predicts that marriage is one for the whole life, so they can invite everyone they want. If there are some extra guests, they will invite them also. In American culture, a couple should clear this question first of all and then think twice, before a decision.
  2. Wedding gifts. For both continents, it is common to expect money as a present for all gifts. When in America the average sum of the gift is $300, then in Japan people should think carefully about the numbers. Due to the cultural believes, the number 4 is for divorce and the number 9 is for hardship. In return, the Japanese couple often gives more expensive gifts to the guests or even gives them a chance to choose it. 
  3. Outlook. As a rule, the Japanese culture bride has several outlooks for an evening. First of all, the Japanese brides wear white kimonos and in the evening they wear something colorful to show their status as wives. In American traditions, brides wear long white flowing dresses for the whole day. 
  4. Guests order. Parents in Japan look after the guests in the restaurant. It is a fact that parents sit in the back other guests are in front of the couple, in order to enjoy their community. 
  5. Entertainment. The marriage ceremony in Japanese culture is quite shorter than in American culture. The last one is used to drink alcohol and dance past midnight. At the same time, the Japanese culture of marriage is not keen on loud celebrations and drunk dances. 
  6. Physical activity. It is common for American street culture to observe how young couples held their hands over their heads and kisses for an hour. Simultaneously, it is not good in Japanese culture. Relationships people hide from others and show their real love only at home culture.

 Japanese Married Life Or What Woman Can Not Do After Marriage

After marriage and love relationships, women change a lot in their lifestyles and outlooks. There are several abandons in Japanese culture towards the women marriage life:


japanese marriage culture

The Cost of a Japanese Wedding

It is like a date. How you would like to do, depends only on you. Japanese marriage can be money-consuming and expensive simultaneously. It is more common to find out a service, which can support you with the whole package. For instance, car, costumes, reception, invitation and so on. It makes the whole process much easier. You have only one person to negotiate with. The cost of the ceremony depends on the number of guests as well. As a rule, 70 guests are invited. 

To sum up, the Japanese marriage culture is easy for understanding. However, there are also several tips, which should be taken into consideration. Marriage culture changes people after marriage. There are a lot of cultures that abandons women, but no to men. Marriage culture should be throughout carefully and in steps. Obviously, it will be hard for foreigners to conclude a union due to the specific conditions of preparing documents and so on. By the way, Japanese love can not be bought for money. In comparison to other marriage cultures, Japanese marriage culture is one of the most liberal and positive!

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