Japanese Women Vs. Chinese Women: The Dating Guide

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Asia is becoming a hotspot for everything – we buy almost all out products from Asia, we invest in Asia, and we dream of going to Asia someday for an adventure. However, there’s one more sphere that Asian dominates – international dating. Asian girls are the subject of adoration for a lot of Western singles. Guys from around the world wish to meet a beautiful Asian girl to date.

Thanks to the rapid development of technology, it has become possible – nowadays, you can connect with beautiful women from all over Asia online. There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing the region – men can look for love in Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and many other countries.

However, the most popular online dating destinations among Western men interested in finding themselves an Asian lady are China and Japan. These are two of the largest Asian countries, so naturally, they have a lot of beauties to offer.

In both China and Japan, international dating is well-developed and famous, so both Chinese and Japanese women are actively joining mail order bride services to meet their fate.

It can be tempting to keep your options open and delve into the world of oriental dating. Still, if you want to cater to your specific wishes, you need to understand the differences between Japanese and Chinese girls for marriage.

smiling Chinese young girl

Japanese Women Profiles

Kagami 34 y.o.
Emi 30 y.o.
Fumiko 29 y.o.
Kiara 28 y.o.
Mio 33 y.o.
Jun 23 y.o.

Standard Features: Japanese Vs. Chinese Women Comparison

One of the features that men interested in Asian culture are attracted to is Asian girls’ femininity. It is no secret that all Asian women are more gentle, fragile, and overall feminine than western ladies. This is associated with cultural differences and current trends. However, if you have a closer look at the different regions within Asia, you will notice that some nationalities have a more prominent tendency for femininity than others. That way, Japanese women are significantly more feminine. This finds a reflection in everything: the way they talk, the voice they use, the way they walk, and, of course, the way they dress.

Another factor that drives a line between Japanese vs. Chinese women is their attitude towards their career. It is a known fact that Chinese women are more prone to dedicate their lives to building a career and work hard to become successful at work. They are not in a rush to start a family early as they seek financial and social independence. Feminism and gender equality are big in China, so Chinese women want to establish themselves first as personalities and only then start thinking about giving birth to the next generation. On the other hand, Japanese women are more family-oriented and have slightly different values to those of Chinese women. They are down to become stay-at-home wives and spend their lives being the homemakers. In fact, keeping the home cozy, comfortable, and friendly is their virtue. Japanese girls tend to marry earlier and care more about ensuring their marriage is happy. They are less likely to divorce than their Chinese counterparts.

From the aforementioned attitude towards a career stems yet another factor that differentiates Chinese vs. Japanese girls – character. Chinese girls are often more bold and vocal about their opinions. They can take up a leading role, while Japanese ladies are more submissive and shy.

Japanese_girl in bra

What’s The Difference Between Japanese And Chinese Women When It Comes To Dating?

Based on the differences in standard features intrinsic to Japanese women and Chinese women, they have different types of relationships.

If you are dating a Chinese lady, you will likely be in a relationship that is built on the foundations of equality and balance. Both sides are expected to make sizeable contributions and make decisions together. Chinese ladies have an active position and do not like to be commanded by men. While they are outgoing and calm, they are not the type to let their significant other to be in full control without having a say in the relationship.

Chinese girlfriends are known for being great communicators and speakers, which is useful for keeping the relationship healthy: they can talk things out, which prolongs the average time of the relationship.

At the same time, Japanese women are more focused on the division of roles within the family. Japanese brides believe that it is the man only that should be the bread-winner of the family and, therefore, make all the critical decisions about the relationship’s wellbeing. They are very supportive and will always have you back, so you can feel comfortable and at ease when dating a Japanese girl. However, if things go south, you cannot expect your Japanese spouse to be bold and take control of the situation. They are more dependent and humble.

The Bottom Line

So, who is the winner of this Chinese girl vs. Japanese girl comparison? It is difficult to say that one of the nationalities is better to date as a foreign man. You can decide for yourself based on what kind of personality you have, what type of relationship you are seeking, and what type of girls you find the most exciting.

If you are interested in Asian dating because you want to build a relationship with a submissive and ethereal geisha, Japanese women are the way to go. However, if you are attracted to Asian looks but want a more Westernised lady, Chinese girls will be a better fit for you.

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